Circular Date Description
C-24-11 9/27/24 Workers Comp Loss Cost Filling Approved Effective April 1, 2025
C-24-10 9/27/24 Workers Comp Residual Market Rate Filing Approved Effective April 1, 2025
C-24-9 9/3/24 Workers Comp Loss Cost Filing Submitted 8-30-24
C-24-8 9/3/24 Workers Comp Residual Market Rate Filing Submitted 8-30-24
C-24-7 8/14/24 Workers Comp 2023 Medical Data Report - North Carolina
C-24-6 7/17/24 Workers Comp 2024 North Carolina State of the Market
C-24-5 4/15/24 Workers Comp - Data Reporting - NAIC Data Call Related to Terrorism Risk Insurance Coverage
C-24-4 3/6/24 Workers Comp Expansion of Medical and Indemnity Data Call Participation
C-24-3  3/1/24 Workers Comp Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program Calendar Year 2023
C-24-2 2/1/24 Workers Comp Clarification: Mandatory Reporting of Email Address
AG-24-1 1/25/24 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP January 2024 
C-24-1 1/18/24 Workers Comp Mandatory Reporting of Email Address
Circular Date Description
C-23-13 12/22/23 Workers Comp Revisions to Assigned Carrier Performance Standards and Manual Rules Related to OD Provisions
AG-23-4  10/30/23 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP October 2023 
C-23-12 10/3/23 Workers Comp WC2023-03 – Revision to the Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Related to the Tax Multiplier (Comparable to NCCI Item Filing R-1422)
C-23-11 9/27/23 Workers Comp Loss Cost Filing Approved Effective 4/1/24
C-23-10 9/27/23 Workers Comp Assigned Risk Rate Filing Approved Effective 4/1/24
C-23-9 9/5/23 Workers Comp Loss Cost Filing Submitted 9/1/23
C-23-8 9/5/23 Workers Comp Assigned Risk Rate Filing Submitted 9/1/23
C-23-7 8/23/23 Workers Comp 2023 North Carolina State of the Market
AG-23-3 8/16/23 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP August 2023
C-23-6 7/20/23 Workers Comp Payroll Inclusions and Exclusions
C-23-5 4/20/23 Manage Data Enhancements
AG-23-2 4/17/23 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP April 2023
C-23-4 3/23/23 Workers Comp COVID-19 Updates
C-23-3 3/8/23 Enhancement to NCCI's Experience Rating Plan Methodology (NCCI Item E-1409)
C-23-2 2/7/23 Data Reporting - NAIC Data Call Related to Terrorism Risk Insurance Coverage 
C-23-1 1/30/23 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program Calendar Year 2022
AG-23-1 1/26/23 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP January 2023
Circular Date Description
AG-22-2  11/28/22 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP November 2022
C-22-15 11/15/22 Workers Comp - Multibureau Evaluation of COVID-19—Phase II: Expanded Data on Claim Characteristics and Trends 
C-22-14 10/8/22 Workers Comp -  2022 Medical Data Report and Opioid Utilization Supplement – North Carolina
C-22-13  10/10/22 Workers Comp - CompScope Medical Benchmarks for North Carolina, 23rd Edition
C-22-12 10/5/22 Workers Comp Assigned Risk Filing Approved Effective 4/1/23
C-22-11 10/5/22 Workers Comp Loss Cost Filing Approved Effective 4/1/23 
C-22-10 9/1/22 Workers Comp Assigned Risk Filing Submitted 9/1/22
C-22-9 9/1/22 Workers Comp Loss Cost Filing Submitted 9/1/22
C-22-8 7/21/22 Workers Comp - Website Enhancements
C-22-7  6/1/22 Workers Comp - Withdrawal of NCCI Item P-1419 - Revisions to the Premium Due Date Endorsement (WC 00 04 19)
C-22-6 5/11/22 Workers Comp - Data Reporting to Federal Insurance Office (FIO)
C-22-5 3/8/22 Workers Comp - Announcing WCUnderwriting
C-22-4 2/16/22 Workers Comp - 2021 Workers Compensation Carrier Data Quality Performance Report 
C-22-3 2/9/22 WITHDRAWN Workers Comp - NCCI Item P-1419 - Revisions to the Premium Due Date Endorsement (WC 00 04 19)
C-22-2 2/7/22 Workers Comp - NAIC Terrorism Data Call
AG-22-1 1/27/22 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP January 2022
C-22-1 1/20/22 Workers Comp - Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2021 
Circular Date Description
C-21-25 12/15/21 Workers Comp - Residual Market Rate Filing effective April 1, 2022
C-21-24 12/15/21 Workers Comp - Multi-Bureau Collaborative Report on COVID-19
C-21-23 12/14/21 Workers Comp -  NCCI 2021 Medical Data Report and Opioid Utilization Supplement for North Carolina
C-21-22 11/18/21 Workers Comp - Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual Rule 3.A.12.a.4. – Final Earned Premium – Determination
C-21-21 11/10/21 Workers Comp - Loss Cost Filling Approved Effectve April 1, 2022 
C-21-20 11/1/21 Workers Comp - Announcing More Manage Data Enhancements
C-21-19 10/29/21 Workers Comp - Data Quality Fine Invoices
AG-21-4 10/27/21 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP October 2021
C-21-18 10/14/21 Workers Comp - CompScope™ Medical Benchmarks for North Carolina, 22nd Edition
C-21-17 9/8/21 Workers Comp - Data Quality Program Invoices
C-21-16 9/2/21 Workers Comp - 2021 Report - Workers Compensation Insurance in North Carolina
C-21-15 9/1/21 Workers Comp - 2021 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-21-14 9/1/21 Workers Comp - 2021 Loss Cost Filing
C-21-13 8/17/21 Workers Comp - Revisions to Catastrophe (Other Than Certified Acts of Terrorism) Premium Endorsement (WC 00 04 21 E)
AG-21-3 7/8/21 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP  July 2021
C-21-12 6/23/21 Workers Comp - Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability
C-21-11 6/3/21 Workers Comp - Announcing Manage Data Enhancements
C-21-10 5/13/21 Workers Comp - Data Reporting to Federal Insurance Office (FIO)
AG-21-2 4/9/21 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP April 2021
C-21-9 3/24/21 Workers Comp - Revisions to NC Stat Plan Injury Description Table Codes 
C-21-8 3/4/21 Workers Comp - Announcing Manage Data Enhancements
C-21-7 3/4/21 Workers Comp - Revision to North Carolina Basic Manual Rules Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
C-21-6 3/2/21 Workers Comp - Data Reporting to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
C-21-5 2/18/21 Workers Comp - 2020 Carrier Data Quality Report
C-21-4 2/12/21 Workers Comp - NCCI Item B-1442 - Revisions to Basic Manual Appendix E - Classifications by Group
C-21-3 2/4/21 Workers Comp - Announcing Manage Data Enhancements
AG-21-1 1/20/21 NCRB Agent Newsletter IN THE LOOP January 2021
C-21-2 1/19/21 Correction to North Carolina Workers Compensation Statistical Plan Manual Rules Related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic
C-21-1 1/19/21 Assigned Risk Take Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2020
Circular Date Description
C-20-32 11/9/20 Workers Comp -  2020 Medical Data Report and Opioid Utilization Supplement North Carolina
C-20-31 10/22/20 Workers Comp -  NCCI Item B-1443 – Revisions to NCCI Manual Rules Related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic – Removal of Expiration Date
C-20-30 10/22/20 Workers Comp -  NCCI Item P-1417(A) – Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 Endorsements (AMENDED EFFECTIVE DATE)
AG-20-5 10/21/20 Agent Newsletter - In The Loop - October 2020
C-20-29 10/16/20 Workers Comp - CompScope™ Medical Benchmarks for North Carolina, 21st Edition 
C-20-28 10/8/20 Workers Comp Loss cost filing Effective 4/1/21
C-20-27 10/8/20 Workers Comp Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/1/21
C-20-26 9/1/20 Workers Comp - 2020 Loss Cost Filing
C-20-25 9/1/20 Workers Comp - 2020 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-20-24 8/25/20 Workers Comp - Multi-Bureau Study of Historical Patterns of Mega Claims
C-20-23 7/23/20 Workers Comp - 

Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual Rule 4-A-2-g – Reassignment Rule

AG-20-4 7/22/20 Agent Newsletter - IN THE LOOP - July 2020
C-20-22 6/30/20 Workers Comp - Experience Modification Worksheets
C-20-21 6/16/20 Workers Comp - NCCI Item E-1407 – Exclusion of COVID-19 Claims from Experience Rating and Merit Rating
C-20-20 5/21/20 Workers Comp -  2019 Workers Compensation Carrier Data Quality Report 
C-20-19 5/14/20 Workers Comp - Update of Circular C-20-15 – Issued May 6, 2020 - Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 Endorsements & Policy Disclosure Notice
C-20-18 5/12/20 Workers Comp - Data Reporting to Federal Insurance Office (FIO)
C-20-17 5/7/20 Workers Comp - Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual Rules Related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic
C-20-16 5/7/20 Workers Comp -  NCCI Item B-1439 - Revisions to Basic Manual – Classifications and Appendix E, Including
Construction Salespersons and Estimators
C-20-15 5/6/20 Workers Comp - Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 Endorsements & Policy Disclosure Notice
C-20-14 5/5/20 Workers Comp - Update of Circular C-20-12 – Issued April 22, 2020  North Carolina Basic Manual – Part II – Classifications Deletions and Revisions to Miscellaneous Class Code Phraseology Notes
C-20-13 4/23/20 Workers Comp - CompScope Benchmarks for North Carolina, 20th Edition
C-20-12 4/22/20 Workers Comp - North Carolina Basic Manual – Part II – Classifications   Deletions and Revisions to Miscellaneous Class Code Phraseology Notes
AG-20-3 4/21/20 Agent Newsletter - IN THE LOOP  -  April 2020
C-20-11 4/14/20 Workers Comp - Announcing ManageData –  Final Notice
C-20-10 4/1/20 Workers Comp - Announcing ManageData – Instructional Videos 
C-20-9 3/31/20 Workers Comp - Update of Circular C-19-15 - Issued November 7, 2019  -  WC 32 06 01 A - Cancellation and Non-Renewal Endorsement
C-20-8  3/26/20 Workers Comp - NC Rate Bureau Operations and COVID-19 - Important Updates
C-20-7 3/24/20 Workers Comp - Data Reporting for COVID-19 Coronavirus – Claim Reporting Requirements
C-20-6 3/17/20 Workers Comp - Announcing ManageData 
AG-20-2 3/16/20 NC Rate Bureau Operations and COVID-19
C-20-5 3/2/20 Workers Comp - Announcing ManageData - More Information 
C-20-4 3/2/20 Data Reporting to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
C-20-3 2/3/20 Workers Comp - Announcing ManageData
C-20-2 1/23/20 NCCI Item B-1438 - Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual -
Classifications for Oil and Gas Field Operations 
AG-20-1 1/15/20 Agent Newsletter - IN THE LOOP  - January 2020
C-20-1 1/14/20 Workers Comp - Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2019
Circular Date Description
C-19-17 12/17/19 Workers Comp - CompScope™ Medical Benchmarks for North Carolina, 20th Edition
C-19-16 11/13/19 Workers Comp - 2019 Medical Data Report - NC , Opioid Utilization Supplement - NC
C-19-15 11/7/19 Workers Comp - Cancellation and Non-Renewal Endorsement WC 32 06 01 A
C-19-14 10/4/19 Workers Comp - Residual Market Rate Filing Effective April 1, 2020
C-19-13 10/4/19 Workers Comp - Loss Cost Filing Effective April 1, 2020
AG-19-7 10/2/19 NCRB Agent Newsletter October 2019
C-19-12 9/9/19 Workers Comp - 2019 Loss Cost Filing Submitted to be effective 4/1/20
C-19-11 9/9/19 Workers Comp - 2019 Assigned Risk Rate Filing Submitted to be effective 4/1/20
C-19-10 8/16/19 Workers Comp - Delinquent USR and Policy Data Timeliness and Quality Fines
C-19-9 7/18/19 Workers Comp - 2019 Report – Workers Compensation Insurance in North Carolina
C-19-8 7/12/19 Workers Comp - Long Term Policy Reporting Processing Changes
C-19-7 6/27/19 Workers Comp - NCCI Item B-1437 - Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual 
C-19-6 5/2/19 Workers Comp -  NCCI Item RM-W-8046 – Revisions to Alternate EmployerEndorsement (WC 00 03 01A)
C-19-5 4/25/19 Workers Compensation - ManagePolicy Reporting Enhancements
AG-19-6 4/10/19 IMPORTANT AGENT COMMUNICATION New E-Payment Process Effective April 11, 2019
C-19-4 4/5/19 Workers Compensation - 2018 Carrier Data Quality Report
AG-19-5 4/1/19 IMPORTANT AGENT COMMUNICATION New E-Payment Process: Preparation Steps
AG-19-4 3/21/18 IMPORTANT AGENT COMMUNICATION New E-Payment Process: What to Expect
C-19-3 2/18/19 Data Reporting to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
C-19-2 2/15/19 Workers Comp -Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual Rule 4-A – Workers Compensation Insurance Plan (WCIP) Revisions to Application for Designation of an Insurance Company (ACORD 135 NC) Revisions to Instructions for Completing ACORD 135 NC Application (ACORD 136 NC)
AG-19-3 2/15/19 Important Agent Communication - Newsletter and 2019 Classification Code Changes - Effective 4/1/19
AG-19-2 2/7/19 Important Agent Communication - Second Notice - New Process for Assigned Risk Premium Payment - E Payment Effective March 2019
C-19-1 1/15/19 Assigned Risk Take-out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2018
AG-19-1 1/8/19 Important Agent Communication - New Process for Assigned Risk Premium Payment - E Payment 
Circular Date Description
AG-18-5 12/19/18 Important Agent Communication - Notice of Assignment for Assigned Risk Policies
C-18-28 11/19/18 Workers Compensation - Indemnity Data Call
C-18-27 11/27/18 Workers Compensation - 2018 Medical Data Report and Opioid Supplement - North Carolina
C-18-26 10/25/18 Workers Compensation - NCCI Item RM-W-8045 – Revisions to the Assigned Carrier Performance Standards (ACPS)
C-18-25 10/19/18 Workers Compensation  - Residual Market Rate Filing Effective April 1, 2019 
C-18-24 10/19/18 Workers Compensation - Loss Cost Filing Effective April 1, 2019
C-18-23 10/17/18 Workers Compensation - NCCI Item B-1436 - Revisions to North Carolina Basic Manual Classifications and Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group
C-18-22 9/19/18 Workers Compensation - NCCI Item R-1414 and R-1414-A Revisions to Retrospective Rating Plan Manual Appendix B and All Related Rules and Endorsements
C-18-21 9/18/18 Hurricane Florence - Normal Operations Resumed
C-18-20 9/12/18 Hurricane Florence
C-18-19 9/4/18 Workers Compensation NCCI Item E-1405 – Revisions to Experience Rating Plan Manual Rules and the Notification of Change in Ownership Endorsement (WC 00 04 14) 
C-18-18 9/4/18 Workers Compensation North Carolina State-Specific Endmt WC 32 06 04 Notice of Cancellation or Material Change to Designated Governmental Entity
C-18-17 8/29/18 Workers Compensation 2018 Residual Market Rate Filing Submitted
C-18-16 8/29/18 Workers Compensation 2018 Loss Cost Filing Submitted
C-18-15 8/1/18 Workers Compensation New Optional Endorsement WC 32 06 03 Non-Insurance Goods and or Services
C-18-14 7/25/18 Workers Compensation NCCI Item P-1414 - Establishment of Notification Endorsement of Pending Law Change to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015
C-18-13 7/16/18 2018 Report - Workers Compensation Insurance in North Carolina
C-18-12 5/4/18 Workers Comp ManageUSR Carrier Improvements
C-18-11 5/2/18 Workers Comp CompScope Benchmarks for North Carolina, 18th Edition
C-18-10 4/23/18 Workers Comp Data Reporting to Federal Insurance Office (FIO)
C-18-9 3/26/18 Workers Comp NC Stat Plan Revision Part 6 - Coding Values
C-18-8 3/20/18 Workers Compensation ManagePolicy Carrier Improvements
C-18-7 3/2/18 Terrorism Data Reporting to the NAIC
C-18-6 3/2/18 Workers Compensation Carrier Data Quality Report 2017
C-18-5 2/26/18 No Corresponding Circular Letter Available
C-18-4 2/5/18 Optional Reporting Method for Separated Data
C-18-3 1/29/18 Revised NC Endorsement WC 32 03 01D
C-18-2 1/24/18 Assigned Risk Take-out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2017
C-18-1 1/9/18 Catastrophe Number 11 for Hurricane Harvey in Texas
Circular Date Description
C-17-17 11/16/17 Hard Copy North Carolina ERM-14 Forms
C-17-16 11/1/17 Workers Compensation - 2017 Medical Data Report and Opioid Utilization Supplement - North Carolina
C-17-15 10/20/17 Workers Compensation Insurance - NCCI Item RM-W-8044
C-17-14 10/16/17 Workers Compensation Insurance - Residual Market Rate Filing
C-17-13 10/16/17 Workers Compensation Insurance - Loss Cost Filing
C-17-12 10/5/17 Workers Comp September Data Error and Rejected Transactions Fines
C-17-11 9/1/17 2017 Workers Compensation Residual Market Rate Filing
C-17-10 9/1/17 2017 Workers Compensation Loss Cost Filing
C-17-9 7/26/17 Update of Circular C-17-8 NCCI Item B-1435
C-17-8 7/13/17 NC Basic Manual NCCI Item B-1435 Part ll Classifications, Including Trucking and Towing
C-17-7 5/9/17 New ManageOwnership Web Application on our Public Website
C-17-6 5/4/17 NC Basic Manual NCCI Item B-1433 - Part 1 Rules 1 and 2
C-17-5 4/11/17 Data Reporting to the Federal Insurance Office (FIO)
C-17-4 4/3/17 Withdrawal of National Endorsements: WC 00 03 20A, WC 00 03 21, WC 00 03 22 and WC 00 03 23
C-17-3 3/31/17 New Format for North Carolina Basic Manual and North Carolina Statistical Plan Manual
C-17-2 1/31/17 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2016
C-17-1 1/20/17 NCCI Item P-1413 - Establishment of Experience Rating Modification Factor Revision Endorsement (WC 00 04 25)
Circular Date Description
C-16-31 12/23/16 NC Basic Manual Update - NCCI Item B-1430 - Elimination of Anniversary Rating Date (ARD)
C-16-30 11/17/16 2016 Medical Data Report - North Carolina
C-16-29 11/3/16 NC Basic Manual Update - NCCI Item B-1429 - Establishment of Audit Noncompliance Charge
C-16-28 10/31/16 Compscope™ Medical Benchmarks for North Carolina, 17th Edition
C-16-27 10/25/16 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan - Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-16-26 10/25/16 Compensation Data Exchange (CDX) Single Sign On
C-16-25 10/18/16 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-16-24 10/18/16 Loss Costs Filing
C-16-23 10/13/16 Policy Reporting of Primary Names
C-16-22 10/13/16 Revisions to NC Basic Manual Rule3-D PEO State Specific Endorsements
C-16-21 9/21/16 NCCI Experience Rating Plan Manual Update - NC State Rule Exception Rule 3-A - Addition of NCRB ERM-14 to Manual
C-16-20 9/8/16 Data Reporting - NAIC Data Call Related to Terrorism Risk Insurance Coverage
C-16-19 9/1/16 2016 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-16-18 9/1/16 2016 Loss Costs Filing
C-16-17 8/22/16 North Carolina Basic Manual Update - Part 2 - Classifications - Phraseology Notes and Classification Index
C-16-16 8/19/16 North Carolina Industrial Commission - Ambulatory Surgical Center Rule Activity
C-16-15 8/10/16 NCRB ERM-14 - Confidential Request for Ownership Information
C-16-14 8-5-16 Loss Cost Multiplier Filing Information
C-16-13 7/21/16 NCCI Item E-1404 - Establishment of a Methodology to Calculate Experience Rating Premium Eligibility Amounts
C-16-12 7/5/16 Reference Updates in NCCI Retrospective Rating Plan Manual
C-16-11 6/23/16 NCCI Item B-1431 - Revision to Basic Manual Classifications - Part II - Classifications - North Carolina
C-16-10 6/15/16 Audit Non-Compliance Charge Edits
C-16-9 6/8/16 Discontinuation of Mailing of Hardcopy Policy and USR Fine Detail Reports with MonthlyInvoice
C-16-8 4/28/16 Data Reporting - Federal Insurance Office (FIO) Section111 of TRIPRA of 2015 Data Request
C-16-7 4/14/16 North Carolina Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Update and Revised Endorsement Forms WC 00 04 15B, WC 00 04 17B and WC 00 04 18F
C-16-6 3/28/16 North Carolina Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employer Liability - DigitalEdition
C-16-5 2/8/16 2015 Workers Compensation Carrier Data Quality Report
C-16-4 1/25/16 Experience Rating Worksheets Available Online
C-16-3 1/15/16 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2015
C-16-2 1/13/16 North Carolina Basic Manual - Effective April 1, 2016
C-16-1 1/6/16 Availability of the ManageUSR Fine Detail Report in ManageUSR
Circular Date Description
C-15-24 12/16/15 House Bill 765 - Change in Definition of "Employee"
C-15-23 12/15/15 R1411 - Retrospective Rating Manual Changes
C-15-22 11/17/15 2015 Medical Data Report - North Carolina
C-15-21 11/5/15 NCCI Item B-1429 - Establishment of Audit Noncompliance Charge
C-15-20 11/4/15 Data Confidentiality Statement
C-15-19 10/21/15 Increase to Premium Eligibility Threshold for Experience Rating
C-15-18 10/21/15 Elimination of State Special Class Codes
C-15-17 10/21/15 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-15-16 10/21/15 Loss Costs Filing
C-15-15 9/28/15 NCCI Item B-1430 - Elimination of Anniversary Rating Date (ARD)
C-15-14 8/31/15 2015 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-15-13 8/31/15 2015 Loss Costs Filing
C-15-12 8/12/15 Elimination of P. O. Box Mailing Address
C-15-11 6/15/15 Policy Data Timeliness Quality Program Fine Reports Available in ManagePolicy
C-15-10 5/26/15 Workers Compensation - Basic Manual Classifications
C-15-9 4/10/15 Company Specific Large Risk Alternative Rating Option (LRARO) Program Filings for Retrospectively Rated Risks
C-15-8 3/9/15 Workers Compensation February Policy Data and USR Fines
C-15-7 2/23/15 2014 Workers Compensation Carrier Data Quality Report
C-15-6 2/11/15 Updated Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 - Policyholder Disclosure Notice - Correction to Circular C-15-5dated 2/6/15
C-15-5 2/6/15 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 - Policyholder Disclosure Notices
C-15-4 1/22/15 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015
C-15-3 1/22/15 Policy Data Timeliness and Quality Program - Invoice and Fine Procedures
C-15-2 1/12/15 North Carolina Workers Compensation Statistical Plan Manual - Revised Pension Tables
C-15-1 1/12/15 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2014
C-14-16 12/10/14 North Carolina Workers Compensation Statistical Plan Manual - Digital Edition
C-14-15 11/17/14 2014 Residual Market Rate Filing - Approval
C-14-14 11/17/14 2014 Loss Costs Filing- Approval
C-14-13 9/23/14 2014 Residual Market RateFiling
C-14-12 9/23/14 2014 Loss Costs Filing
C-14-11 9/17/14 Policy Data Timeliness and Quality Program Training Webinar
C-14-10 9/4/14 Workers Compensation Insurance - Loss Cost and Assigned Risk Rate Filings
C-14-9 9/2/14 Workers Compensation - Basic Manual Classifications
C-14-8 7/1/14 Workers Compensation- Basic Manual Classifications
C-14-7 6/24/14 Workers Compensation - Rule Changes
C-14-6 5/20/14 Workers Compensation - Basic Manual Deductible Rule
C-14-5 5/9/14 Workers Compensation Carrier Data Quality Report
C-14-4 4/29/14 Data Timeliness and Quality Program
C-14-3 3/21/14 CDX PEEP Announcement
C-14-2 2/21/14 2014 NC Workers Compensation Statistical Plan Manual
C-14-1 1/8/14 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2013
C-13-15 11/25/13 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-13-14 10/31/13 Loss Costs Filing
C-13-13 9/30/13 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan -Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-13-12 9/9/13 Revised FormWC 32 03 01B - North Carolina Amendatory Endorsement
C-13-11 9/3/13 2013 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-13-10 9/3/13 2013 Loss Costs Rate Filing
C-13-9 8/14/13 CDX PEEP Discontinuation Announcement
C-13-8 7/29/13 Endorsement WC 00 01 14 - Pending Law Change to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) - CORRECTION to CircularC-13-7 dated 7/26/13
C-13-7 7/26/13 Endorsement WC 00 04 22A - Pending Law Change to Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA)
C-13-6 6/10/13 Catastrophe 14 - Oklahoma Tornado and Severe Storms
C-13-5 5/3/13 Catastrophe 98 - West Fertilizer Plant
C-13-4 3/18/13 Revised North Carolina Statistical Plan Manual
C-13-3 3/12/13 Clarification - Effective Date of Assigned Risk Renewal and Reinstated Policies
C-13-2 2/20/13 ManagePolicy/USR
C-13-1 1/14/13 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2012
C-12-12 12/17/12 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-12-11 11/2/12 Loss Costs Filing
C-12-10 11/2/12 November Delinquent Unit Statistical Report Billing
C-12-9 10/15/12 CDX PEEP Announcement
C-12-8 9/28/12 Revised Application for Designation of an Insurance Company (ACORD 135 NC) - Revised Instructions for Completing ACORD 135 NC Application (ACORD 136 NC)
C-12-7 9/4/12 2012 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-12-6 9/4/12 2012 Loss Costs Filing
C-12-5 7/23/12 WICO SearchPoint Application Announcement
C-12-4 4/12/12 NCCI Item B-1425 - Revisions to Employers Liability and Admiralty or FELA Coverage Increased Limits Percentages and Factors
C-12-3 3/30/12 Revision to Form Number WC 32 76 03A - Truckers Supplemental Application
C-12-2 01/11/12 New Federal USL&H Coverage Service
C-12-1 01/03/12 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2011
C-11-16 12/13/11 NCCI Item RM-W-8038 - Establishment of Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Rule 4-G - Available Coverages
C-11-15 11/8/11 NCCI Item E-1402 - Experience Rating Plan Changes
C-11-14 11/3/11 Loss Costs, Assigned Risk Rates and Miscellaneous Values to be Effective April 1, 2012
C-11-13 10/26/11 NCCI Item RM-W-8040 - Revision to Basic Manual Rule 4-C - Loss Sensitive Rating Plan (LSRP)
C-11-12 10/21/11 NCCI Item B-1423 - Elimination of Ex-Medical Coverage - NCCI Item P-1409 - Elimination of Ex-Medical Coverage Endorsements
C-11-11 10/21/11 Rejected Unit Statistical Report Notification
C-11-10 9/30/11 UPDATE OF CIRCULAR C-11-6 - NCCI Item RM-W-8039 - Establishment of Basic Manual Rule 4-H - Producer Fees
C-11-9 9/20/11 New Code for Unit Statistical Reporting
C-11-8 9/8/11 Review Made September 1, 2011
C-11-7 9/7/11 NCCI Item B-1424 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classification Code 7711 - Firefighters & Drivers - Volunteer and Discontinuation of Statistical Code 9219 - Volunteer Firefighters - Head Count
C-11-6 8/26/11 CIRCULAR UPDATE - PLEASE SEE CIRCULAR C-11-10 DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011FOR A CORRECTION TO THIS CIRCULAR - NCCI Item RM-W-8039 - Establishment of Basic Manual Rule 4-H - Producer Fees
C-11-5 7/15/11 NCCI Item B-1422 - Revisions to Miscellaneous Values Payroll Determination Formula for Codes 7370, 9178, 9179 and 9186 and Revisions to Basic Manual Appendix F
C-11-4 6/7/11 Item RM-W-8037 - Revisions to Assigned Carrier Performance Standards
C-11-3 5/18/11 Experience Rating Data Available via CDX
C-11-2 2/21/11 Group Claim Reporting Elimination
C-11-1 1/13/11 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2010
C-10-23 11/4/10 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-10-22 11/4/10 Loss Costs Filing
C-10-21 11/1/10 ManagePolicy 2.0 Rollout Announcement
C-10-20 10/18/10 ManagePolicy 2.0 Training Announcement
C-10-19 10/11/10 Loss Sensitive Rating Plan Endorsement
C-10-18 9/21/10 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan - Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-10-17 9/17/10 NCCI Item B-1421 - Revisions to Basic Manual Part Two - Classifications and Part Four - Classifications Pending
C-10-16 9/16/10 (1) NCCI Item RM-W-8035 - Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Loss Sensitive Rating Plan - Basic Manual Rule 4-C Enhancement (2) NCCI Item RM-W-8036 - Enhancement to Endorsements WC 00 04 17A and WC 00 04 18 E and Withdrawal of Endorsements WC 00 04 23A, WC 32 04 01, WC 32 04 02 and WC 36 04 07
C-10-15 9/1/10 2010 Loss Costs Filing
C-10-14 9/1/10 2010 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-10-13 8/25/10 NCCI Item B-1420 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Rules
C-10-12 8/18/10 NCCI Item B-1419 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Rules
C-10-11 8/17/10 Update of Circular C-10-9 - North Carolina Statewide Forms: WC 32 06 01A - Cancellation and Non-Renewal
C-10-10 8-4-10 North Carolina Changes to NCCIBasic Manual Miscellaneous Rules - DeductibleInsurance
C-10-9 7-20-10 North Carolina Statewide Forms: WC 32 06 01A - Cancellation and Non-Renewal
C-10-8 6-29-10 North Carolina State Rule Exceptions
C-10-7 5-14-10
NCCI Item B-1417 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Rules
C-10-6 5-14-10
NCCI Item B-1415 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Rules
C-10-5 4-23-10

Aggravated Inequity Rule

C-10-4 2-19-10 Item P-1408 - Revisions to Forms Manual
C-10-3 2-16-10 Elimination of Hard Copy Policy Data
C-10-2 1-25-10 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program
C-10-1 1-19-10 Elimination of Hardcopy Assignment Notice & Deposit Premium Checks
C-09-34 12/10/09 ManagePolicy
C-09-33 12/10/09 Item RM-W-8033 - Revisions to Assigned Risk Adjustment Program (ARAP)
C-09-32 12/7/09 Updated WCIO Workers Compensation Data Specifications Manual
C-09-31 12/7/09 Item B-1418 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Rules
C-09-30 12/1/09 Item B-1416 - Revisions to the Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance
C-09-29 11/16/09 Redesigned WCIO Website
C-09-28 11/10/09 Item R-1400 - Excess Loss Factors
C-09-27 11/10/09 Item R-1401 - Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters
C-09-26 11/9/09 Residual Market Rate Filing - Approval - Effective April 1, 2010
C-09-25 11/9/09 Loss Cost Filing - Approval Effective April 1, 2010
C-09-24 9/16/09 Large Deductible Program Filings
C-09-23 9/2/09 2009 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-09-22 9/2/09 2009 Loss Cost Filing
C-09-21 8/28/09 Item RMW-8034 - Rule 4-F Take-Out Credit Program
C-09-20 8/5/09 Insurance Data Quality One-Day Workshop - October 21
C-09-19 7/28/09 Update of Circular C-09-10
C-09-18 7/21/09 Revised Application for Designation of an Insurance Company (ACORD 135NC)
C-09-17 7/13/09 Updated Fine Procedures
C-09-16 6/23/09 ConAgra Plant Explosion
C-09-15 6/04/09 Medical Data Call
C-09-14 6/03/09 Item B-1414 - Revisions to Basic Manual Rule 3-A
C-09-13 5/14/09 Revised Retrospective Rating Plan Manual and Endorsements
C-09-12 4/24/09 A- Rate Transition Program
C-09-11 4/17/09 PEEP - (Policy Entry and Edit Package) Training Announcement
C-09-10 4/07/09 Changes to WCIP and Basic Manual
C-09-9 3/23/09 Item B-1413 - Revisions to Basic Manual
C-09-8 3/19/09 Experience Rating Plan Manual Changes
C-09-7 3/17/09 Experience Modification Calculator
C-09-6 2/25/09 Elimination of Hard Copy Policy Data
C-09-5 2/11/09 Item B-1410 and Item B-1412 - Revisions to Basic Manual
C-09-4 2/5/09 CDX Data Retention Announcement
C-09-3 1/15/09 Item B-1411 - Revisions to Basic Manual
C-09-2 1/14/09 WC 32 03 04 - Alternate Employer Endorsement (excluding Employers Liability)
C-09-1 1/12/09 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2008
C-08-24 12/8/08 Items R-1397 and R-1398 - Excess Loss Factors and State Hazard Group Relativities
C-08-23 11/20/08 Statewide Forms for Cancellation and Controlled Ins Program
C-08-22 11/6/08 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval
C-08-21 11/6/08 Loss Cost Filing Approval
C-08-20 10/24/08 Item B-1409 - Revisions to Basic Manual for Workers Comp
C-08-19 10/24/08 Item B-1408- Revisions to Basic Manual for Workers Comp
C-08-18 9-03-08 Item RM-W-8031 Assigned Carrier Performance Standards
C-08-17 9-03-08 Transition of Workers Compensation Classification Code 8837
C-08-16 9-02-08 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-08-15 9-02-08 Loss Cost Filing
C-08-14 8-08-08 Workers Compensation - Item B-1407 - Catastrophe Provisions and Item P-1406
C-08-13 7-31-08 NCCI Item RM-W-8028:Assigned Risk Loss Sensitive Rating Plan (LSRP)
C-08-12 7-17-08 Elimination of Hard Copy Policy Data Submission
C-08-11 7-11-08 Item B-1406 - Revisions to Basic Manual
C-08-10 7-2-08 Experience Rating Plan Manual Rule Changes for Cat 87
C-08-9 6-24-08 North Carolina Statistical Manual Revision
C-08-8 6-11-08 Catastrophe Code Number 28
C-08-7 5-16-08 Item B-1397 - Rates Associated with Revised Classes
C-08-6 3-11-08 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program ReauthorizationAct Endorsement
C-08-5 3-05-08 NCCI Item B-1397 - Revisions to Basic ManualClassifications and Rules
C-08-4 2-26-08 Announcement of the New NCRB-NCRF-NCIGA Websites
C-08-3 2-14-08 Item B-1405 Terrorism Risk Insurance ProgramReauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA)
C-08-2 2-14-08 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program ReauthorizationAct of 2007
C-08-1 2-13-08 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2007
C-07-19 12/31/07 Discontinuation of Hard Copy Experience Rating worksheets
C-07-18 12/12/07 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-07-17 12/12/07 Loss Costs Filing Effective 4-1-08
C-07-16 11/29/07 Compliance/Noncompliance System
C-07-15 10/31/07 Workers Compensation Insurance Loss Costs Filing
C-07-14 10/31/07 Workers Compensation Insurance Residual Market Rate Filing
C-07-13 10/30/07 NCCI Item B-1404-Basic Manual Revision to Appendix E-Table of Classifications by Hazard Group
C-07-12 10/10/07 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-07-11 9/18/07 Revised Application For Designation of An Insurance Company (ACORD 135NC)
C-07-10 9/5/07 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-07-9 9/5/07 Loss Costs Filing
C-07-8 8/7/07 PEEP Updates and Enhancements
C-07-7 5/3/07 RE: Discontinuation of Hard Copy Experience Rating Worksheets
C-07-6 3/7/07 Assigned Risk Take-Out Credit Program - Calendar Year 2006
C-07-5 2/14/07 Monthly Invoice Changes
C-07-4 2/6/07 NCCI Item 01-NC-2006 Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications Charitable or Welfare Organizations
C-07-3 2/6/07 Changes to North Carolina Statistical Plan Manual Introduction of Stat Code 9841
C-07-2 1/26/07 Changes to North Carolina Statistical Plan Manual Introduction of Catastrophe Code 87
C-07-1 1/19/07 WCRatings
C-06-28 11/21/06 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-06-27 11/21/06 Loss Costs Filing
C-06-26 11/9/06 Item B-1403 - Revision to Basic Manual
C-06-25 11/3/06 ManageUSR
C-06-24 10/31/06 Loss Costs Filing
C-06-23 10/31/06 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-06-22 10/23/06 Direct Collection of Unit Statistical Reports
C-06-21 9/29/06 Item B-1399 - Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications for the Aviation Industry Item B-1399A - Amendment to Class Filing B-1399 - Exposure Transition Program
C-06-20 9/5/06 2006 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-06-19 9/5/06 2006 Loss Costs Filing
C-06-18 8/17/06 Revised North Carolina Statistical Plan Manual
C-06-17 7/11/06 (1) Clarification – Premium Charge for Use of WC 00 03 13, Waiver of Our Right to Recover from Others (2) Reminder – Copies of Company Filings Must be Provided to Rate Bureau
C-06-16 6/23/06 Experience Rating Revision to Premium Eligibility Guidelines
C-06-15 6/2/06 Electronic Data Transmission
C-06-14 6/2/06 WCPOLS Transaction Codes
C-06-13 6/1/06 Premium Charge for Use of WC 00 03 13 Waiver of Our Right to Recover from Others
C-06-12 5/31/06 Update to Web-Based Beep 1.0
C-06-11 5/15/06 ManageUSR
C-06-10 4/12/06 Delinquent USR Fining Procedure Implementation
C-06-9 4/12/06 Hardcopy Policy Keying Charge
C-06-8 3/27/06 PEEP (Policy Edit and Entry Package) Web Conference Training Session
C-06-6 3/3/06 Supplemental Applications for the North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Revision to: Labor Contractor Supplemental Employee Leasing Application Revision to: Client Supplemental Employee Leasing Application Revision to: Truckers Supplemental Application
C-06-5 2/15/06 Use of Forms: WC 00 01 13 - Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act Endorsement WC 00 04 21A - Domestic Terrorism, Earthquakes, and Catastrophic Industrial Accidents Premium Endorsement WC 00 04 22 - Foreign Terrorism Premium Endorsement
C-06-4 1/30/06 Item B-1394 – Revisions to Basic Manual Classifications and Rules, Addendum to Item Filing B-1387, and Addendum to Item Filing B-1391
C-06-3 1/20/06 Filing for NCCI Item P-1404 – Terrorism Risk Extension Act of 2005
C-06-2 1/10/06 Workers Compensation Insurance Filing for B-1398 – Foreign Terrorism
C-06-1 1/6/06 Item P-1401 – WC 00 03 09 B Rural Utilities Service Endorsement
C-05-18 12/21/05 Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/1/06
C-05-17 12/21/05 Approval of Loss Cost Filing – Reference Filing Effective 4/1/06
C-05-16 12/16/05 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-05-15 12/16/05 Loss Costs Filing
C-05-14 11/22/05 Electronic Reporting of Transaction Codes “08”, “10”, “14” “15” and “17”
C-05-13 11/18/05 Revised Application for Designation of an Insurance Company (ACORD 135NC) and Revised Instruction Sheet (ACORD 136NC)
C-05-12 9/30/05 Revision to the Workers Compensation Insurance Plan
C-05-11 9/2/05 2005 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-05-10 9/2/05 2005 Loss Costs Filing
C-05-9 8/26/05 Item B-1391 – Revisions to Basic Classifications
C-05-8 8/26/05 Item R-1395 – 2005 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters
C-05-7 8/23/05 Hardcopy Policy Keying Charge
C-05-6 8/22/05 North Carolina Statistical Plan Manual - Fining Procedure Implementation
C-05-5 6/13/05 Data Reporting Seminar
C-05-4 5/19/05 Item B-1387 - Revisions of Basic Manual Classifications for the Bottling Industry (2156 and 2157)
C-05-3 3/18/05 On-Line Training for Policy Entry and Edit Package (PEEP)
C-05-2 2/8/05 Item P-1389 - Revisions to Endorsement WC 00 03 03 B (Employers Liability Coverage Endorsement) and WC 00 01 04 (Federal Employers Liability Act Coverage Endorsement
C-05-1 1/10/05 Item B-1393 - Domestic Terrorism, Earthquake, and Catastrophic Industrial Accident Form, Rate and Rule Filings
C-04-23 12/22/04 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-04-22 12/22/04 Loss Costs Filing
C-04-21 12/16/04 Patch to Update BEEP 3.0 – Desktop Version
C-04-20 12/14/04 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-04-19 12/14/04 Loss Costs Reference Filing eff 4/1/05
C-04-18 11/30/04 Item E-1379 – 2003 Experience Rating Plan Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance
C-04-17 11/9/04 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-04-16 11/05/04 Professional Employer Organizations Reference North Carolina Senate Bill 20
C-04-15 10/13/04 Unit Statistical Plan Update
C-04-14 9/16/04 Rate Change Endorsement (WC 00 04 07)
C-04-13 9/13/04 Unit Statistical Report Edit 000085- Matching Policy Not Found
C-04-12 9/7/04 2004 Loss Costs Filing
C-04-11 9/7/04 2004 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-04-10 9/2/04 Item P-1392 – Notification Endorsement of Pending Law Change to Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (WC 00 01 12)
C-04-9 8/23/04 Item U-1390 – Unit Statistical Reporting Instruction Enhancements
C-04-8 8/11/04 Pending Rate Change Endorsement (WC 00 04 04)
C-04-7 8/10/04 Unit Statistical Rejection Edits
C-04-6 7/22/04 Item U-1388 – 2004 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters
C-04-5 7/8/04 On-Line Training for Policy Entry and Edit Package (PEEP)
C-04-4 6/30/04 Item U-1386 – URE WCSP Pension Table Revisions
C-04-3 6/11/04 Item U-1374 – Reporting of Fraudulent Claim Code
C-04-2 6/2/04 Unit Statistical Report Rejections
C-04-1 3/1/04 Scope Manual Link
C-03-12 12/19/03 Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4-1-04
C-03-11 12/18/03 Loss Cost Filing Clarification
C-03-10 12/15/03 Loss Costs Filing
C-03-9 C-03-8 11/12/03 Residual Market Rate Filing Loss Costs Filing Rate Filing Press Release Nov 6 2003
C-03-7 11/10/03 Workers Compensation Insurance ACCCT Announces Release of CDX
C-03-6 9/2/03 Loss Costs Filing
C-03-5 9/2/03 Residual Market Rate Filing
C-03-4 1/24/03 Assigned Risk Adjustment Program
C-03-3 1/24/03 Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002
C-03-2 1/13/03 NCRB Web Site Enhancement Depopulation Report
C-03-1 1/7/03 Loss Costs Filing - Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/03
C-02-8 11/20/02 Loss Costs Filing Approval of Loss Costs Reference Filing Effective 4/1/03
C-02-7 11/20/02 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/1/03
C-02-7 9/27/02 Circular Letter Distribution
C-02-6 9/20/02 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs Filing Announcement
C-02-5 9/20/02 Residual Market Rate Filing Residual Market Rate Filing Announcement
C-02-4 4/19/02 Item R-1378B2002 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters
C-02-3 1/29/02 Item B-1373-Basic Manual Rules Enhancements
C-02-2 1/29/02 WCIO Web Site – Workers Compensation Data Reporting Handbook
C-02-1 1/29/02 September 11 Terrorist Attacks
C-01-18 11/14/01 WCIO Web Site Attachment: Web Site Announcement
C-01-17 11/14/01 Item U-1372-Issuing Agency/Producer Office Address Endorsement - WC 89 06 25 Attachment: Item U-1372
C-01-16 11/7/01 Loss Costs Filing Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/02
C-01-15 10/25/01 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-01-14 10/25/01 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/1/02
C-01-13 10/25/01 Loss Costs Filing Approval of Loss Costs Reference Filing Effective 4/1/02Attachment: Loss Costs
C-01-12 10/25/01 Item RM-W-8024 - NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Proposed Amendments to the National Workers Compensation Reinsurance Pool Articles of Agreement
C-01-11 8/31/01 Residual Market Rate Filing Residual Market Rate Filing Announcement
C-01-10 8/31/01 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs Filing Announcement
C-01-9 7/30/01 North Carolina Amended Coverage Endorsement WC 32 03 01B
C-01-8 7/30/01 Item RM-01(NC)-Modified North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Attachment: ITEM RM-01(NC)—Filing Memorandum
C-01-7 6/20/01 Experience Modification Look-up Announcement of website enhancementAttachment: Website Access Information; User Application
C-01-6 6/20/01 Loss Costs and Loss Multipliers Insurer requirements and options under NC's Loss Cost Rating LawAttachment: List of insurer's loss multipliers
C-01-5 6/7/01 Item R-1371-2001 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters Effective 7/1/01 Attachment: R-1371 Filing Memo and Exhibits
C-01-4 6/7/01 Item B-1369-Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Effective 7/1/01 Attachment: B-1369 Filing Memo, Exhibit 3-A, Exhibit 3-B, Users Guide - State Rule Exceptions
C-01-3 4/23/01 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-01-2 2/21/01 Item P-1370 - Premium Due Date Endorsement Effective 4/1/01 Attachment: Filing P-1370
C-01-1 2/6/01 North Carolina Statistical Plan Introduction of NC Stat Plan Effective 1/1/00
C-00-17 12/28/00 Loss Costs Filing Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/01
C-00-16 12/15/00 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/1/01 Attachment: Assigned Risk Rates
C-00-15 12/15/00 Loss Costs Filing Approval of Loss Costs Reference Filing Effective 4/1/01 Attachment: Loss Costs
C-00-14 10/16/00 Unit Statistical Reports Release of BEEP 2.0 Attachment: ACCCT Press Release
C-00-13 10/16/00 Item B-1366 (Amended) - Revisions to Admiralty and Federal Employer's Liability Act Classifications Effective 4/1/01 Attachment: Filing Memorandum
C-00-12 9/1/00 Residual Market Rate Filing Residual Market Rate Filing Announcement
C-00-11 9/1/00 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs Filing Announcement
C-00-10 5/5/00 Loss Cost Insurer requirements and options under NC's Loss Cost Rating Law List of insurer's loss multipliers
C-00-9 5/5/00 Item B-1366 - Revisions to Admiralty and Federal Employer's Liability Act Classifications
  • Increases the standard limit of liability
  • Modifies rate making methodology
  • Moves rates/loss costs to rate/loss costs pages Effective 7/1/00
C-00-8 3/10/00 Senate Bill 643 Insurance Premium Financing
C-00-7 3/10/00 Item B-1365 - 2000 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters Effective 7/1/00
C-00-6 3/10/00 Item B-1364 - Basic Manual Rule IV - D.4. Clarifies the rule for the assignment of additional class codes Effective 7/1/00
C-00-5 3/10/00 Item B-1363 - Air Carrier Classifications Amended Phraseologies Updates classification phraseologies to track federal regulations Effective 7/1/00
C-00-4 3/10/00 Item B-1362 - Code 5551- Roofing Amended Phraseology Eliminates the requirement that yard employees be assigned to code 5551 Effective 7/1/00
C-00-3 3/10/00 Item B-1361-Basic Manual Updates of Selected Rules and References Updated Basic Manual Rules regarding
  • Construction/Erection, Farm & Mercantile Classifications
  • Premium Discount
  • Minimum Premium
  • Cancellation
Effective 4/1/00
C-00-2 3/10/00 Item B-1359(NC)- Elimination or Enhancement of Selected Basic Manual Classifications and Basic Manual Classification Advisory Notes Effective 4/1/00
C-00-1 3/10/00 Item U-1355-WCSP Pension Table Revisions Effective 4/1/00
C-99-17 11/10/99 Loss Costs Filing Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/00
C-99-16 10/29/99 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/100
C-99-15 10/29/99 Loss Costs Filing Approval of Loss Costs Reference Filing Effective 4/1/00
C-99-14 9/1/99 Residual Market Rate Filing Residual Market Rate Filing Announcement
C-99-13 9/1/99 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs Filing Announcement
C-99-12 8/3/99 Item RM-W-8022 - Residual Market Workers Compensation Premium Algorithm Guide for premium calculation for assigned risk policies. Effective 7/1/00.
C-99-11 8/3/99 Item B-1351 - Workers Compensation Premium Algorithm Guide for premium calculation effective 7/1/00
C-99-10 8/3/99 North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Plan change to correspond to law change. Effective 9/1/99.
C-99-9 8/3/99 Item U-1358 - Claim Grouping Option effective 9/1/99
C-99-8 8/3/99 Item B-1342 - Wrap-Up Construction Projects effective 9/1/99
C-99-7 7/14/99 Experience Rating Rating Worksheet Distribution
C-99-6 7/14/99 Item B-1337 - Employers Liability & Admiralty/FELA Increased Limits Effective 9/1/99
C-99-5 4/15/99 Loss Costs Insurer Requirements and Options Under NC's Loss Cost Rating Law Approved Loss Multipliers
C-99-4 4/15/99 Item R-1356 - 1999 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters and Rules Effective 7/1/99
C-99-3 2/4/99 Item R-1350 - 1998 Table of Insurance Charges Effective 4/1/99
C-99-2 2/4/99 Item B-1354 - U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act Classification and Rates Effective 7/1/99
C-99-1 2/4/99 Item B-1352 - Fertilizer Dealers and Manufacturers Effective 4/1/99
C-98-14 12/23/98 Item B-1349 - Waiver of Right to Recover from Other & Limited Liability Companies Effective 4/1/99
C-98-13 12/23/98 Item B-1348 - Automobile Gasoline Stations and Convenience Stores Effective 4/1/99
C-98-12 12/23/98 Item B-1347 - Consolidation of Selected Explosives Manufacturing Codes Effective 4/1/99
C-98-11 12/23/98 Item B-1346 - Carpet, Linoleum, Vinyl, Asphalt & Rubber Floor Tile Installation - Code 5478 Effective 4/1/99
C-98-10 12/23/98 Item B-1343 - Basic Manual Rule & Classification Enhancements Effective 4/1/99
C-98-9 12/23/98 Item E-1339 - Experience Rating Adjustment Effective 4/1/99
C-98-8 12/23/98 Item E-1332 - Experience Modification Recalculation Revision of Losses Effective 4/1/99
C-98-7 12/23/98 Item U-1344 - Workers Compensation Statistical Plan Special Fund and Subrogation Recoveries Effective 4/1/99
C-98-6 12/23/98 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Bid Process Announcement of selected servicing carriers
C-98-5 10/29/98 Workers Compensation Insurance Rate Review Announcement that the Bureau had filed a loss costs and rate review with the Commissioner of Insurance
C-98-4 6/4/98 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Bid Process
C-98-3 4/9/98 Mailing Instructions Home Office Only Request for Updated Mailing Addresses
C-98-2 4/9/98 Loss Costs Insurers Requirements and Options under NC's loss Cost Rating Law Approved Loss Multipliers
C-98-1 4/9/98 Item RM-W-8020 - Proposed Revisions to Articles of Agreement of the National Workers Compensation Reinsurance Pool Effective 4/1/98
C-97-12 11/26/97 Loss Costs Filing Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/98
C-97-11 11/18/97 Loss Costs Filing Approval of Loss Costs Reference Filing Effective 4/1/98
C-97-10 11/18/97 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of Residual Market Rate Filing Effective 4/1/98
C-97-9 10/21/97 Item R-1341 - 1997 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters Effective October 16, 1997
C-97-8 8/29/97 Residual Market Rate Filing Residual Market Rate Filing Announcement
C-97-7 8/29/97 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs Filing Announcement
C-97-6 6/6/97 Item B-1335 - Revisions of Basic Manual Classifications and Related Rules Sign Manufacturing & Installation Drug Store - Retail Book, Record, Compact Disc, Software, Video or Audio Cassette Store - Retail Effective 7/1/97
C-97-5 6/6/97 Item B-1345 - Automobile Parts and Accessories Store Operation Effective 10/1/97
C-97-4 6/6/97 Item B-1340 - Davis-Bacon Wages Placed by An Employer Into Third-Party Pension Trust Effective 7/1/97
C-97-3 4/11/97 1997 Advisory Statistical Work Group - Training Sessions Dates and sites for ASWG training sessions
C-97-2 3/7/97 Item P-35(A) - Residual Market Limited Others States Insurance Endorsement Effective 2/27/97
C-97-1 2/6/97 Loss Costs Rating Law Insurer requirements and options under NC's loss cost rating law Approved loss multipliers Approved rate deviations
C-96-25 11/1/96 Loss Costs Filing Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/97
C-96-24 10/25/96 Item W-8018(NC) - Residual Market Limited Other States Insurance Item P-35 - Residual Market Limited Other States Insurance Endorsement Amends the Other States Insurance provision of the NC WCIP Effective 2/1/97
C-96-23 10/25/96 Item B-1333 - Revisions of Basic Manual Classifications and Related Rules Combination of Admiralty Class Codes Classification of recycling operations Effective 1/1/97
C-96-22 10/25/96 Loss Costs Filing Approval of loss costs reference filing Effective 4/1/97
C-96-21 10/25/96 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of residual market rate filing Effective 4/1/97
C-96-20 10/25/96 North Carolina Special Rules Update of NC Special Rules & NCRB Rules and Procedures Effective 9/1/96
C-96-19 9/25/96 Item P-29(NC) - Residual Market Multiple Company Endorsement WC 00 03 25 Effective 10/1/96
C-96-18 9/25/96 North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Application for Designation of an Insurance Company Revised NC WCIP Revised NC WCIP Application & Instruction Sheet Effective 10/1/96
C-96-17 8/30/96 Item B-1330(NC) - Revisions of Basic Manual Classifications and Related Rules Item B-2334 - Elimination of Chemical & Dyestuff Rating Plan Corrects rate for Code 8871
C-96-16 8/30/96 Premium Discount Endorsement - WC 00 04 06 A Effective 9/1/96
C-96-15 8/30/96 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs filing announcement
C-96-14 8/30/96 Residual Market Rate Filing Residual Market Rate filing announcement
C-96-13 6/21/96 Item E-1315(NC) - Graduated Experience Rating Effective 10/1/96
C-96-12 6/21/96 Liability of Contractors 6/10/96 ratification of House Bill 1090
C-96-11 6/21/96 Item B-1331 - Revision of Basic Manual Classification and Related Rules Roller Skating Rink Exclusion of reasonable expense allowance Trucking Classifications Effective 10/1/96
C-96-10 6/21/96 Item B-1330(NC) - Revisions of Basic Manual Classifications and Related Rules Item B-1334 - Elimination of Chemical & Dyestuff Rating Plan Provides 1/1/94 rates & factors for new class codes
C-96-9 4/23/96 American Cooperative Council on Compensation Technology Home Office Only Questionnaire
C-96-8 4/23/96 Item B-1330(NC) - Revisions of Basic Manual Classifications and Related Rules Child Day Care Centers & Child Day Camps Telephone & Cable TV Line Installation Clerical Telecommuter Employees Building Operations Casino Gambling Operations Effective 7/1/96
C-96-7 3/22/96 NCWCIP - Application for Designation of an Insurance Company Revised NC WCIP Application & Instruction Sheet Effective 4/1/96
C-96-6 3/22/96 Item B-2334 - Elimination of Chemical and Dyestuff Rating Plan Chemical Blending or Mixing Chemical Manufacturing Effective 7/1/96
C-96-5 3/12/96 Item B-1328 - Restaurant Classifications Correction of Class Code Assignment
C-96-4 3/12/96 Item R-1329 - 1996 Update to Retrospective Rating Plan Parameters Update to the State & Hazard Group Relativities Effective 7/1/96
C-96-3 3/15/96 Loss Costs Filing Home Office Only Distribution of approved loss costs filing Effective 4/1/96
C-96-2 3/12/96 Loss Costs Filing Approval of loss costs reference filing Effective 4/1/96
C-96-1 3/12/96 Residual Market Rate Filing Approval of residual market rate filing Effective 4/1/96
C-95-30 12/1/95 Loss Costs Filing Procedure Loss Costs Rating Statute (GS 58-36-100) NC Department of Insurance Forms
C-95-29 12/1/95 Residual Market Filing Residual Market Rate filing announcement
C-95-28 12/1/95 Loss Costs Filing Loss Costs filing announcement
C-95-27 12/1/95 Restaurant Classifications Fast Food Restaurants Bars & Lounges Restaurants Effective 1/1/96
C-95-26 10/27/95 NC WCIP - Servicing Carrier Bid Process Announcement of selected servicing carriers
C-95-25 10/27/95 Item B-1327 - Revised Basic Manual Effective 4/1/96
C-95-24 10/27/95 Classifications Code 9012 - Apartment Property Managers and Leasing Agents Revised rate & rating values Effective 10/1/95
C-95-23 10/6/95 Item B-1323 - (a) Rate Procedure Elimination Reinstate Class Code 8837 Eliminate Class Code 9088
C-95-22 10/6/95 Schedule Rating Plan Effective 11/1/95
C-95-21 10/6/95 Subcontractor's Waiver Letter from Commissioner Randy C. Ward - NC Industrial Comm.
C-95-20 10/6/95 Item P-33 - WC Insurance Plan - Other States Endorsement Effective 10/1/95
C-95-19 10/6/95 NC WCIP Amendments to NCWCIP a result of changes to GS58-36-1(5)(SB345) Effective 7/29/95
C-95-18 9/1/95 Take-Out Credit Program Effective 1/1/96
C-95-17 9/1/95 NC WCIP Depopulation Reports Order Form
C-95-16 8/2/95 Loss Costs Rating Law SB 973 - The NC Workers Compensation Loss Costs Rating Law
C-95-15 6/16/95 NC WCIP - Servicing Carrier Bid Process Announcement of competitive bidding process
C-95-14 6/16/95 Item B-1322(NC) - Revision of Basic Manual Classifications Reassignment of low credibility class codes Effective 8/1/95
C-95-13 6/16/95 Item ASWG(NC) - WC Statistical Plan Introduction of a revised and expanded unit report Applicable to policies effective 1/1/95 (optional) and 1/1/96(mandatory)
C-95-12 6/16/95 Retrospective Rating Plan - Large Risk Alternative Rating Option Change in premium eligibility Effective 7/1/95
C-95-11 6/16/95 Item B-1325 - Real Estate Appraisal Companies - Outside Employees Introduction of new class code Effective 7/1/95
C-95-10 5/26/95 NC WCIP Servicing Carrier Bid Process Announcement of proposed competitive bid procedure
C-95-9 5/26/95 Item B-1323 - (a) Rate Procedure Elimination Effective 7/1/95
C-95-8 5/9/95 Item B-1316 - 1995 Update to Expected Loss Size Ranges for Entry into the Table of Insurance Charges and Update to Retrospective Rating State and Hazard Group Relativities Effective 7/1/95
C-95-7 5/9/95 Item 01-NC-94 - Loss Sensitive Rating Plan Announces the availability of a brochure that explains the LSRP
C-95-6 3/31/95 Item 01-NC-94 - Loss Sensitive Rating Plan - Application for Workers Compensation Insurance Revised NC WCIP Application Effective 4/1/95
C-95-5 3/31/95 NC WCIP Policy Year 1995 Servicing Carrier Allowance Announcement of Servicing Carrier Allowance Applicable to policies effective during 1995
C-95-4 3/31/95 Item B-1321 - Changes in the Basic Manual Classification Wording Updates classification wording Corrects inconsistencies in the inclusion or exclusion of "drivers" Deletes Bureau approval requirement for the use of some classes Effective 4/1/95
C-95-3 3/31/95 Item W-8015NC - Additional Coverages Under the WCIP Change in effective date Effective 6/1/95
C-95-2 2/20/95 1995 Advisory Statistical Work Group - Training Sessions Dates and sites for ASWG training sessions
C-95-1 1/18/95 Item B-1320 - Quick Printing - Copying or Duplicating Services - All Employees and Clerical, Salespersons, Drivers Introduction of new class code Effective 2/1/95
C-94-19 11/30/94 Item W-8015NC - Additional Coverages Under the North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Effective 12/1/94
C-94-18 11/30/94 Item R-1304 - 1994 Update to Expected Loss Size Ranges for Entry into the Table of Insurance Charges and Update to Retrospective Rating State and Hazard Group Relativities Effective 1/1/95
C-94-17 11/21/94 Members of a Limited Liability Company Introduction of Basic Manual rules Effective 12/1/94
C-94-16 11/21/94 R-1310 - Revised USL&HW Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors Effective 1/1/95
C-94-15 10/12/94 Athletic Team or Park: Contact Sports - Code 9179 Rate and rating values change Effective 10/1/94
C-94-14 10/12/94 Item 01-NC-94 - Loss Sensitive Rating Plan Introduction of mandatory assigned risk retrospective rating plan Effective 4/1/95
C-94-13 10/12/94 Item R-1301 - Hazard Group Assignments Revise or assign class codes to a hazard group Effective 1/1/95
C-94-12 10/12/94 Item B-1308 - Minimum Premium Charges Applicable to Policies for which no Exposure is Developed Establishes the minimum premium for code 8810 as the premium for "no exposure" policies Effective 11/1/94
C-94-11 10/12/94 Unit Statistical Reporting Standards for Large Deductible Plans Introduces large deductible plan unit stat plan reporting codes Effective 11/1/94
C-94-10 8/16/94 Workers Compensation Insurance Rate Review Announcement that the Bureau had filed a rate review with the Commissioner of Insurance
C-94-9 8/16/94 Item U-1306 - Subrogation and Special Fund Recoveries Amendments to the Workers Compensation Statistical Plan Effective 1/1/94
C-94-8 8/19/94 Rural Electrification Administration Endorsement WC 00 03 09 A Effective 9/1/94
C-94-7 8/19/94 Employers Refused Voluntary Coverage Amendment to GS 58-36-1(5) Employer Notice and Order Form
C-94-6 8/5/94 Apartment Property Managers and Leasing Agents Introduction of new class code Effective 10/1/94
C-94-5 8/5/94 Item B-1313 - Heating and Air Conditioning Duct Work Introduction of new class code Effective 7/1/94
C-94-4 6/6/94 NC Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Introduction of the restructured NC WCIP Effective 7/1/94
C-94-3 6/6/94 Item B-1312 - Wrap-Up Construction Projects Amendments to the Basic Manual, Retrospective Rating Plan Manual & NCRB Rules and Procedures Effective 5/1/94
C-94-2 6/6/94 Item B-1307 - Swimming Pool Construction/Maintenance Operations Amendments to class code phraseology Effective 5/1/94
C-94-1 3/30/94 Item U-1288 - Strike Duty Premium and Loss Reporting Instructions Deletes unit stat plan reporting code Effective 3/1/94